custom plastic name badges

Organizations looking for creating ways to reinforce their brand image need not look too far. With a little bit of vision, businesses can bolster their brand image and create a better customer experience with something as simple as the rollout of a fleet of new, custom plastic name badges - that can be easily created here at Imprint Plus.

That’s not even to mention the fact that name badges may potentially boost employee performance and morale, encourage accountability, cultivate an atmosphere of inclusion, provide a better customer experience and even promote security protocols.

So, how can you create custom plastic name badges that reflect the value of, or simply the image of, your brand?

  1. Incorporate your logo

Arguably the easiest way to have your custom plastic name badges reflect your brand is simply to incorporate your logo into the design. With the tools we offer here at Imprint Plus, you can easily work the logo of your brand into the background or design of your name tags - leaving no doubt in the mind as to what your badges represent.

There are, however, more subtle ways to communicate the impression of your brand.

  1. Create a brand-aligned color scheme

Since we enable the design and creation of full-color plastic name tags, you can easily create a name tag design that is brand aligned with your company’s color scheme or your brand’s. This is one of the most effective and surprisingly subtle ways to enable your custom plastic name tags to insinuate the value of your brand.

A simple effect like a background that reflects the proprietary color of your brand can hint at your brand and will leave an impression in the minds of your customers and business partners. Any other elements of your name tags can be customized with the supporting colors of your brand and will make your uniform appear more put-together.

  1. Create custom plastic name badges that are in the shape of your logo

Another great, yet subtle, way to create a brand impression is by changing the shape of your plastic name badges. Rather than using one of our pre-templated oval or round plastic name badges, you can work with one of our specialists to create a name badge that is cut in the shape of your logo or some other recognizable silhouette associated with your brand.

Altering the physical proportions of your custom plastic name badges can be coupled up with a color scheme that reflects your logo for a deeply-dyed alignment with your brand, making a pointed impression.

  1. Align font weights, colors, and sizes

Even without changing the shape, size, and color of your custom badges themselves, you can create a sense of brand consistency and alignment with the fonts you choose for names, titles, and other text.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by choosing a color that matches well with your brand or one of its supporting colors. You can also choose fonts that are similar (or identical to) the font used by any text included in your brand or logo. Of course, if your logo or trademark does not have text, you can choose a font that produces a similar emotional effect.

Consider also the weight, size, angles, and lines of the font you choose, and these all can be closely aligned with the effect created by your brand or its logos or trademarks.

  1. Align badge and uniform color

Another way you can create a holistic sense of brand integrity is by outfitting your employees with badges that have similar or complementary colors to their uniforms. If you haven’t created or implemented uniforms yet, you can create the badges and then roll out new uniforms that are similar to them for a completely branded, uniformed employee presentation.

Customize with Other Features

Whether you work with one of our professionals or choose to design your own custom plastic name badges using our online design tools is up to you. Once you’re down designing your badges, you can tack on some other features to complete the package.

  1. Add a badge talker

We carry a variety of unique badge talkers that are specifically designed to communicate important information to your customers. We offer seasonal badge talkers that offer holiday wishes and badge talkers that advertise employee skills and titles, such as multilingualism.

custom plastic name badges

  1. Add a custom lapel pin

In addition to offering you the ability to customize your name badges themselves, we also offer a number of lapel pins that can also be customized. If you already have a set vision for your name tags, consider creating branded or custom-cut lapel pins to reflect your brand personality, to be used in tandem with name badges.

Whatever you end up going with, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us at 800-563-2464 and we can help you get started designing a fleet of custom plastic name badges that will be the highlight of your employee uniforms!