In these times of the pandemic, running and operating a business has become more difficult than ever before. Those who run businesses might have seen drastic changes in points such as revenue, customer base, supplies, and sales tactics. It has been difficult for many business owners to adjust-- and rightfully so.
One of the many adjustments that varying business types have had to make in these pressing times is wearing face masks and enforcing social distancing. However, another issue is trying to have your customers respect you and your employees by wearing masks, too.
This has become an unforeseen situation and consequence of the mask mandate for business owners. So, what can you do to properly handle such a situation when it arises? Let’s look at the steps to take when you have a customer who doesn’t wear a mask in your business that requires it.
1. Display Mask Signs
Let’s first start with the preliminary step of displaying mask signs for businesses. By properly having these available in your workplace, you can gently encourage customers (and even employees) to wear their masks for everyone’s safety. These products are an excellent way to remind customers to wear their masks both before and after entering your workplace.
You should display mask signs for businesses in particular locations, though. Placing them where people will see them is a huge step in getting your customers to have their masks on while inside. Such places include on the front door, at the counter/cash register, wherever your employees typically assist clients, and even in the bathroom.
2. Review Mask Mandates for Your Area/State
You should also first review your area or state’s mask and face covering requirements. Some states require people to wear masks in indoor public spaces, while others do not. Be sure to be knowledgeable in these regulations in order to abide by them. Here is one place to check where your state falls as of September 1, 2021.
3. Calmly Point Out the Need for a Mask
If your mask signs for businesses do not assist you enough and your customers still walk around in your workplace without a mask on, you will now need to start taking action.
When you notice a customer without their mask on or wearing it incorrectly, you can mention this to them in a calm and non-aggressive manner, preferably away from other customers. If they ask why they need to wear their mask, remind them that it’s a safety precaution for them, other customers, and your employees.
4. Ask Why They Cannot Wear a Mask
If they still refuse to wear their mask, you can ask them why they aren’t able to wear the mask. This will help you get a better understanding of their particular situation. If they respond with “I have a medical problem” or anything of the like, you shouldn’t press them any further on that.
Another response you might get from them is that they simply don’t have their mask on them at the moment. In that case, have a disposable mask available for them to dissolve the situation right away quickly and efficiently. That, and having disposable masks ready to go will best assist you with other customers, your employees, or even yourself in the future.
If they refuse to wear a mask at this point without giving any reason as to why they won’t, you have a couple of options. You can either serve them anyway (if you are comfortable with that of course) with potentially some alterations in your service or refuse them service.
5. Adjust Your Service or Refuse to Give It
Like many businesses that are service-based have done in recent times, you can adjust your services. For example, if you own a restaurant and a customer refuses to wear a mask inside, you can suggest they order by curb-side and take their food to go.
If your customer will not adjust to any changes you’ve attempted to make or they are causing a scene, you can ask them to kindly leave your establishment. Safety is a concern for everyone, including business owners, so asking your customer to leave in this case is warranted.
As long as your policy is non-discriminatory, you can refuse to service these customers. Think of it as a more modern “no shirt, no shoes, no service.”
6. Call Security
If this customer hasn’t left your business on their own accord after being asked and you’ve exhausted all other avenues of rectification, you can call security to properly and carefully remove them from your business.
We are living in unprecedented times, but preparing yourself and your business for customers that refuse to wear a mask in your establishment is an important step to take. If you follow the above steps, from displaying mask signs for businesses to calling security, you and your employees can be properly protected. Be sure to display the right mask signs that clearly and efficiently display your message of “no mask, no service.”