Hosting a successful business event or conference can be a major challenge, and promoting it can prove to be an even bigger one. Nevertheless, both hosting and attending special events and conferences are a great way to connect with other entrepreneurs and small businesses in your industry. But if you're going to be hosting such an event, here are some ways in which you can make it both insightful and memorable.
In this blog post, we’ll go over the best practices for hosting a successful event or conference, and discuss the many benefits of choosing photo ID card holders and lanyards as both promotional materials, as well as souvenirs and memorabilia.

How to Host a Successful Business Event or Conference
The first step in hosting a successful business event or conference is to have a clear goal and purpose in mind. What do you want to achieve with this event, and who is your target audience? If it's a networking event designed to gather online and eCommerce businesses, for example, then think about what themes or topics might interest them? Would they be interested in learning the latest tools and trends when it comes to digital marketing? Or would it be a better idea to have speakers that would talk about the growing pains of a successful business, and how to navigate the challenges and difficulties of the lifestyle of an entrepreneur or business owner.
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can move on to the planning stage. This includes choosing a venue, setting a budget, and determining the best date and time for your event. You’ll also want to create a comprehensive marketing and promotion plan, which may include email campaigns, social media posts, and advertising. It’s essential to have a top-notch keynote speaker or panel of experts, who can help to engage your guests and create a sense of excitement around your event.

Souvenirs Choices that Guests Can Take Home from an Event or Conference
When it comes to choosing souvenirs for your event or conference guests, it’s important to choose something that is both practical and memorable.

1. Photo ID Card Holders
One option to consider is photo ID card holders, which are an excellent way to promote your brand and keep your guests organized. After all, every conference and event usually requires guests to register in order to claim their tickets. As the host of such an event, it would be greatly beneficial for you to design those name badges and photo ID card holders to further help promote the conference and also serve as timeless memorabilia of your guests' time at your event. A well-designed name badge and holder can work as a powerful reminder that your guests should probably sign up for the next event that you'll be hosting.
2. Lanyards
Lanyards are a practical and versatile item that guests can use long after your event has ended. They can be used to hold keys, ID cards, and other small items, making them a valuable and practical item for your guests to take home.
When choosing lanyards as souvenirs, there are several factors to consider, such as the material of the lanyard, the design, and the functionality. For example, you can opt for anti-microbial lanyards, which are ideal for events where guests are likely to be in close proximity to one another, as they help prevent the spread of germs.
In terms of design, you can have your logo or event name printed on the lanyard, or you can opt for a custom design that fits the theme of your event. This allows you to create a unique and memorable souvenir that your guests will appreciate.

3. Workbooks
In addition to photo ID card holders and lanyards, workbooks can also serve as a practical and valuable souvenir for your guests to take home from your event or conference. Workbooks are especially useful for events or conferences that focus on professional development, training, or education, as they provide attendees with a comprehensive resource that they can use to continue learning and refining their skills long after the event has ended.
When choosing workbooks as souvenirs, it is important to consider the content and format of the book, as well as the design. For example, you can include interactive exercises, informative articles, or case studies in your workbook to make it a valuable resource for your guests. You can also opt for a high-quality print and binding, as well as a custom cover design that reflects the theme of your event or conference.
By offering workbooks as souvenirs, you can provide your guests with a tangible take-home resource that they can use to continue their professional development. This not only helps them retain the information they learned at your event, but also serves as a marketing tool for your brand, as your guests will likely reference the workbook long after the event has ended.
Designing Your Name Tags & Photo ID Cards for Your Event or Conference

When it comes to choosing the perfect photo ID card holder for your event or conference, there are several factors to consider. The first is size – you’ll want to choose a size that is large enough to hold a standard photo ID card, but still small enough to be easily carried around. You’ll also want to choose a material that is durable and long-lasting, such as hard plastic.
Another important factor to consider is the design. You’ll want to choose a design that accurately reflects your brand image and incorporates important information about your event. You can also consider customizing your photo ID card holders with a specific color or pattern that matches your event’s theme.
It's also a good idea to personalize each name badge, photo ID card holder, or lanyard for each guest that's coming to your event. This could be something as simple as giving them design options to choose from upon registration, or maybe just having them share a little bit about themselves that you'll include in their name badges. More often than not it'll be that personal touch that will really get them to fondly look back at your event and recall all the fun, excitement, and insights that they'd gained and experienced.
Start Preparing for Your Next Event or Conference Today!
Photo ID cards, badge holders, lanyards, and workbooks serve as essential components of any successful event or conference. By providing attendees with a personalized, high-quality photo ID card cards and holder, you can make them feel welcome and valued, while also promoting your brand. The same goes for lanyards, which serve as both a practical and souvenir. Workbooks are a great take-home resource, attendees can continue learning and refining their skills long after the event has ended.
If you're looking for a reliable supplier of photo ID card holders, lanyards, and workbooks for your next event or conference, check out what we have available at Imprint Plus. With a wide range of products to choose from, as well as customizable options, we can help you create the perfect solution for your event or conference. So why wait? Visit our online shop today and start planning your next successful event or conference!